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PEEK plastics - the metal-free alternative in dental technology

Polyetheretherketone has long been a household name in dental technology. Have you never heard of it? Its abbreviation “PEEK” is more common in dental technology. Thanks to its material properties, this high-temperature-resistant thermoplastic resin is one of the high-performance plastics and is now an integral part of medical technology and the dental industry. 

Before PEEK plastics found its way into dental technology, it had been already used in the automotive industry as well as in aerospace technology. The high-performance resin has also already proven itself in medical technology. 

Which properties make PEEK plastic so interesting for dental technology?

In medical technology, PEEK plastic is particularly popular because of its high biocompatibility and X-ray permeability. In addition, its properties are very similar to human bones, which make the plastic particularly interesting for implants. 

These properties are also of great advantage in dental technology. In contrast to metals and zirconia, PEEK plastic has a dampening effect due to its flexibility. Especially with wide-span, fixed lower jaw dentures, this flexibility leads to relief of the jawbone and implants. 

So far, gold - which is very expensive - and titanium have been used for dentures in allergy patients. For a long time no metal-free alternative was known. That changes with PEEK.

PEEK plastic - the alternative for metal-free dentures

Then why still work with metal at all?

The high-performance plastic PEEK has also its limits. Because of its high heat resistance for a plastic, but low compared to metal, PEEK plastic can only be veneered with composite, but not with ceramics. Thus, functional, but not aesthetic dentures can be produced. To ensure stability, only the visible front should be covered. 

What must be considered for the dental use of PEEK plastic?

Above all, it is important that the dental use of PEEK plastic must be considered right from the start. The material does not offer the delicate design options that you may be used to from metal frameworks. It is therefore important to create space during the preparation by the dentist. 

What kind of work can PEEK plastic be used for?

PEEK plastic can be used with both fixed and removable dentures. The metal-free alternative can therefore also be used for partial framework prostheses (RPD). When modeling PEEK partial framework (RPD), however, it is essential to ensure that the prosthesis, as mentioned above, has to be made thicker in order to achieve the desired stability. At this point it should also be mentioned that the PEEK prosthesis, unlike a metal prosthesis, cannot be expanded. Repairs are not possible with this material. 

The high-performance resin PEEK is particularly popular for telescopic prostheses. Due to its material properties, there is hardly any wear and tear between the primary and secondary telescopes. With implants themselves, PEEK reaches its limits, but implant abutments can definitely be made from PEEK plastic. Here, as with bridge work made of PEEK plastic, the advantage of its dampening effect comes into play. 

Crown and bridge designs can also be made from PEEK plastic. In the visible area, however, this is not recommended due to its poor aesthetics.


PEEK plastic is a real all-rounder and a good, proven alternative for patients who prefer metal-free dentures. However, it is not an easy material to work with. Experience is definitely required here, particularly in the CAD / CAM area. Especially since it is not a cheap material and wastage can be expensive. At CADdent® we have been processing PEEK plastic for many years. 

Have you planned a work made of PEEK plastic and have questions about it or do you need a sparring partner? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be glad to advise you at eye level!


Bio Classic       








PEEK (Polyetheretherketon)      

100 %        

ca. 80 %       ca. 80 % > 90 %
Titanium dioxide (TiO2


< 20 % < 20 % < 5 %
further additives
< 0,01 %
< 0,1 % 
< 1 %
< 1 %



Unit of measurement    




Flexural strength (Weibull)        MPa  186,6          
Water absorption µg / mm3 4,66    
Solubility µg / mm3 -0,1     

* Processing recommendation Whitepeaks Dental Solutions